Friday, December 5, 2008

assignment #5


1. I took two quizes on, one named Sexual orientation and using 911. The sexual orientation quiz was kind of boring to me because it was a little challenging. It talked about the studies of being gay and the effects people go through because of their life style they choose to live. I did not do so well on this quiz, i scored three out of eight wrong. I found the using 911 call to be interesting. It feels good to know that I know what to do in case of an emergency and how to help others. I scored eight out of eight right on this quiz.

2. The one game I played was fun. The game was called dress up legs,it was interesting because I never knew that you could dress up your legs. From this game I realized it involves your skin color,a shave gel for shaving,and polishing your toe nails. I actually learned something about my body be playing the game.


1. I played this game called design your room The Feng Shui Way. Feng Shui feels that and energy called chi flows through all the rooms in your house and by adding new things and removing old things, you can bring yourself a good fortune. I learned that Pink (my favorite color), stands for happiness and romance. The game made me realize how my room become cluttered at times and what to do to get rid of things that are unnecessary.

About asthma, Diabetes and alcohol

Asthma- a condition caused by an irritation of the *lungs* that leads to tightening up of the breathing passages as coughing or gasping. The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, wheezing, a tight feeling in the chest.

Diabetes- a chronic disease that causes abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood

Alcohol- a beverage (such as beer, vodka, or whiskey) that causes intoxication. A person with a physical dependence on alcohol is known as an alcoholic.


Unknown said...

Adonnia I see that you took a quz about sexual orientation and you thought it was boring.
I noticed that you enjoyed playing the game more than taking the quiz. YOu learned about shaving. I wondered what you mean by dressing up your legs.

Pahola Bueno said...

Hi Adonnia,
I see... that you like to keep your profile nice, neat, and colorful.
I noticed... that you like to change your picture recently and thats really cool. I like it.
I wondered... how do u put and change the colors to your words? and the font?

Maria Gomez said...

Hey, Adonnia
I read that you took a sexual orientation quiz and i think that's cool.I noticed you found a call to 911 interesting and i agree because it is important except when your baby prank calls by accident lolI wonder what you learned from the test?

garyshantae said...

hi Adonnia i heard that you took a quiz and you did not do good on them.
i noticed that your did not give up and you learn something at the end of the day
i wondered what was the question that they was asking you.

Jamella DeCambre said...

Anatomy Notes Blog
I heard...u learned about how the female and male reproductive system works
I noticed...u drew a thermometer of the temperature on which the sperm goes through the body
I wondered...what the female gamete was more about