Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Assignment #3 World AIDS day

1. What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
- HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS stands Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

2. List all of the ways HIV is transmitted. 
-Blood (including menstrual blood)
-Vaginal secretions (sexual intercourse(vaginal and anal), Oral Sex (mouth to vagina or mouth to penis)
-breast milk (mother to baby, before or during birth)
-Unprotected sexual contact
-Direct blood contact including injection blood needles, blood transfusion, accidents in health care settings or certain blood products.

3. What actions can you take to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS?
-Educate everyone in your community about how HIV AIDS spread and how we can protect ourselves.
-Encourage people to change their sexual behavior and to practice safe sex ALL THE TIME!
-Make condoms available at ALL times for free of charge
-Encourage everyone who's having sex to get tested.
-Encourage pregnant woman and new mothers to get tested to seek help to prevent infecting their child.

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