Thursday, December 11, 2008

Assignment #1 Cycle 3

Three new vocabulary words I learned from reading the article were:
  • prostaglandins- chemicals in the body that makes the smooth muscle in the uterus contract.
  • implantation- (a process) Progesterone, another hormone released by the ovaries, keeps the endometrium thick with blood so that the blastocyst can attach to the uterus and absorb nutrients from it.
  • vulvovaginitis-an inflammation of the vulva and vagina. It may be caused by irritating substances (such as laundry soaps or bubble baths). Poor personal hygiene (such as wiping from back to front after a bowel movement) may also cause this problem.

I heard that there is a such thing called menstrual problems and alot of them affect girls.
Here are some that is most common:
  • dysmenorrhea (pronounced: dis-meh-nuh-ree-uh) when a girl has painful periods.
  • menorrhagia (pronounced: meh-nuh-rah-zhuh) when a girl has a very heavy periods with excess bleeding.
  • oligomenorrhea (pronounced: o-lih-go-meh-nuh-ree-uh) when a girl misses or has infrequent periods, even though she's been menstruating for a while and isn't pregnant.
  • amenorrhea (pronounced: a-meh-nuh-ree-uh) when a girl hasn't started her period by the time she is 16 years old or 3 years after starting puberty, has not developed signs of puberty by age 14, or has had normal periods but has stopped menstruating for some reason other than pregnancy.

I noticed that alot of things can go wrong in the female anatomy system. For an example, nonmenstrual vaginal bleeding is due to urethral prolapse, a condition in which the mucous membranes of the urethra protrude into the vagina and form a tiny, donut-shaped mass of tissue that bleeds easily. It can also be caused by a minor injury (such as when falling onto a beam or bicycle frame) or vaginal trauma from sexual abuse.

I wonder why does so many things occur in the female anatomy system more than in the male anatomy system?

Friday, December 5, 2008

assignment #5


1. I took two quizes on, one named Sexual orientation and using 911. The sexual orientation quiz was kind of boring to me because it was a little challenging. It talked about the studies of being gay and the effects people go through because of their life style they choose to live. I did not do so well on this quiz, i scored three out of eight wrong. I found the using 911 call to be interesting. It feels good to know that I know what to do in case of an emergency and how to help others. I scored eight out of eight right on this quiz.

2. The one game I played was fun. The game was called dress up legs,it was interesting because I never knew that you could dress up your legs. From this game I realized it involves your skin color,a shave gel for shaving,and polishing your toe nails. I actually learned something about my body be playing the game.


1. I played this game called design your room The Feng Shui Way. Feng Shui feels that and energy called chi flows through all the rooms in your house and by adding new things and removing old things, you can bring yourself a good fortune. I learned that Pink (my favorite color), stands for happiness and romance. The game made me realize how my room become cluttered at times and what to do to get rid of things that are unnecessary.

About asthma, Diabetes and alcohol

Asthma- a condition caused by an irritation of the *lungs* that leads to tightening up of the breathing passages as coughing or gasping. The most common symptoms are shortness of breath, wheezing, a tight feeling in the chest.

Diabetes- a chronic disease that causes abnormally high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood

Alcohol- a beverage (such as beer, vodka, or whiskey) that causes intoxication. A person with a physical dependence on alcohol is known as an alcoholic.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Assignment #3 World AIDS day

1. What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
- HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and AIDS stands Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

2. List all of the ways HIV is transmitted. 
-Blood (including menstrual blood)
-Vaginal secretions (sexual intercourse(vaginal and anal), Oral Sex (mouth to vagina or mouth to penis)
-breast milk (mother to baby, before or during birth)
-Unprotected sexual contact
-Direct blood contact including injection blood needles, blood transfusion, accidents in health care settings or certain blood products.

3. What actions can you take to prevent the spread of HIV AIDS?
-Educate everyone in your community about how HIV AIDS spread and how we can protect ourselves.
-Encourage people to change their sexual behavior and to practice safe sex ALL THE TIME!
-Make condoms available at ALL times for free of charge
-Encourage everyone who's having sex to get tested.
-Encourage pregnant woman and new mothers to get tested to seek help to prevent infecting their child.