Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Why do girls have sex?

2) I have read about the different reasons why girls have sex from the book called Virgin sex for girls. My favorite story was Kayla's-In Love because I understand how she felt. I can relate to many things she experience but the only difference is that until this day, I am with my first love. My boyfriend did not force me to do anything I did not want to do or rush me to do anything  I was not ready to do. I agree with Kayla, this makes you fall in love with you lover even more because of the amount of respect he shows towards you. Every time we seen one another, sex was not always what occurred. We enjoy each other's company, we laugh at everything, and he helps me cope with my personal issues. Everyone says to me you're only 17, its just lust but I don't argue them down because I know what my feelings are and as long as him and I are on the same page, I pay no mind to the judgmental things other say. I don't consider him just my first love, but he is also my genuine best friend!  

3)The names of the characters were Kayla and Tom.

4) In the story Kayla met this boy named Tom. She later then found out that they had a lot of things in common so they eventually started dating. At first their relationship was not based on sexual intercourse. Although they touched each other, took showers together, sex never happened. Until kayla decided she wanted Tom to be her first. Tom only had one partner before Kayla so he was still learning what to do as well as Kayla. Tom had respect for Kayla and they both always expressed their feelings towards one another. After a while they grew apart from one another because of going to different schools and hanging around more friends. Their relationship ended  on a good note and that's how kayla wanted it to be. She had No regrets and later on developed a positive attitude towards sex.

5) In my opinion, I would have felt the same way but I think that I would have tried to stay in contact with him because your first time is special and if it was true love at first site, I feel that nothing would have broken us apart.